“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16

Primitive Baptist
Our church is Primitive Baptist. What does that mean? Primitive means “original”. We follow the doctrines, patterns, commands, and examples of the primitive, or original, church as established in the New Testament. We do not believe in adding to or taking away from the teachings of the Bible.
We are Baptist because we believe that upon one’s conversion experience, and profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, in obedience to the Scriptures a believer is to be baptized by full immersion in water.
Our Confession
Our final authority in all matters of faith and life is the Holy Word of God. To express our beliefs we subscribe to the Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith.

Our Convictions
Our Baptist forefathers in the early 1800s were faced with major problems of new doctrines and practices being introduced to Baptists that were not found in Scripture, nor were they practiced by historic Baptists (often called by diverse names- Trail of Blood).
To ensure doctrinal purity and maintain the Old Paths of church order and practice, as established by Jesus Christ and his Apostles, Baptists gathered to identify the new errors and address them in the light of God’s Word.
Two of the documents that came forth, The Black Rock Address and The Kehukee Declaration, proved the errors of the new practices while declaring Biblical truth. These documents are a further expression of our commitment to Biblical truth and doctrinal purity within our Congregation.
Our Worship
Our congregation worships according to the pattern set forth in the New Testament by the commands and examples set forth by our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles. Learn more on our Worship page.

Our Servants
“27.8. A particular church, gathered and completely organized according to the mind of Christ, consists of officers and members; and the officers appointed by Christ to be chosen and set apart by the church (so-called and gathered), for the peculiar administration of ordinances, and execution of power or duty, which he entrusts them with, or calls them to, to be continued to the end of the world, are bishops or elders, and deacons.”
Our Bible
We use the King James Bible.
For more information on why this is our preferred Bible read The Waldenses and the Bible.

Our History
The Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church was established in 1855 and met in a brush arbor and log house. As membership increased, a larger church building was erected. In 1876, John R. Moore donated three acres of land for church and cemetery purposes. The first recorded burial was that of Henry Nixon in 1879. State Representative George Turner Hinson is also buried here, as are veterans of several wars. A new church was erected in 1947, and a fellowship hall was added in 1977. The church and cemetery continue to serve the community as they have for more than a century.